• 1 662-202-4345
  • info@oxfordbluesfest.com


Mission Statement
Our ultimate goal is for Mississippi to not only be the “Birthplace of America’s Music”, but also the pinnacle of America’s music! We will do this by providing unforgettable experiences at our events while also empowering the next generation of Mississippi musicians. We will donate a portion of our profits to furthering the music education of Mississippi youths by donating to Mississippi public schools to buy new instruments, offering scholarships to music camps, and so much more. We hope that by providing the next generation of Mississippi musicians with the essential tools they need for a proper music education that one day they will be the headliners of the OXFORD BLUES FESTIVAL.

Why is this our mission?
“Science has shown that when children learn to play an instrument, their brains begin to hear and process
sounds that they couldn’t otherwise hear. This helps them develop “neurophysiological distinction” between
certain sounds that can aid in literacy, which can translate into improved academic results for kids…

A new study from Northwestern University revealed that in order to fully reap the cognitive benefits of a music
class, kids can’t just sit there and let the sound of music wash over them. They have to be actively engaged in
the music and participate in the class. “Even in a group of highly motivated students, small variations in music
engagement – attendance and class participation – predicted the strength of neural processing after music
training,” said Nina Kraus, director of Northwestern’s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory…

According to The Harmony Project’s website (a community music program serving low-income children in Los
Angeles), since 2008, 93% of Harmony Project seniors have gone on to college, despite a dropout rate of 50% or
more in their neighborhoods. It’s a pretty impressive achievement and the Northwestern team designed a study
to explore those striking numbers. That research, published in September in the Journal of Neuroscience,
showed direct evidence that music training has a biological effect on children’s developing nervous systems.”

Our goal for the OXFORD BLUES FESTIVAL isn’t just to improve music education for children in
Mississippi, it’s to improve the overall lives of children in Mississippi. We want to see Mississippi
flourish as a state, and we believe that all starts with childhood education. We are passionate about
this cause and hope that you will see this festival as not only a way to market and improve brand
recognition for yourself or your business, but as a way to better Mississippi.